Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Getting a Little Distance

Watched the film Quadrophenia last night. It was good to see it again. Quadrophenia made me want to watch EasyRider, so I did.

My bank has stollen 75 quid off of me, criminals !!!

I continue to learn japanese adjectives, and hang about in Second Life. Good old Boldy was in Second Life. I think I have known him almost one year, he showed me a picture of what he looks like in real life, LMAO !!!! Hahahaha!!! just Joking Boldy, it's good to be able to put a face to the Sl character.

I joined the Facebook group for the up and coming chaos computer congress and HAR2009. It's suprising the number of people you find on Facebook. People you wouldn't think would be on there, and people you didn't want on there.

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