Saturday, August 09, 2008

No Soup for You !!!!

2600 have uploaded the audio talks from this years conference 'The Last Hope' :-
Link: Audio, The Last Hope
Here's something interesting, malware on mobile devices for you:-
Link: Flexispy Demo
A new addition of Hakin9 arrived through the door today (they really should use packaging where the postman/person can't read headlines such as "VOIP research exploit kit.") It arrived along with a letter from the UEA. I was scared to open the letter, in case it told me that my place at University was fake_LOL

At least Hackin9 is turning me into a script kid, which is only slightly better than clueless.. ok now for a game of PACMAN on facebook FUCK YEAH !!!

I continue to learn Japanese Kana I'm nearly done with the Hirigana, which most people learn in a week; for me it took a month. Now all I got to do is actually know what the words mean. I learnt a nice word from a Japanese person on Second Life, who ran around chasing people it was ' Chugokku oh crap I forgot..maybe I will remember later(Edit: I asked a friend it was 'Onigokko', heh, like you care : P )


Anonymous said...

Flexispy is a interesting piece of code...not just because it can provide remote spying, but because it can be easily modified and turned into malware.

Bigm000 said...

Oh, Nice link.. Thanks for leaving a comment =D